In our second episode, Shattering the Mirror of Erised, SuperBOYs use powerful incantations – also known as facts and logic – to fight the mighty spell cast by Aunt Bizarro and her Mirror of Erised.
As our story opens, we come upon a celebration of all good cheer. Our revelers, mostly senior citizens, are toasting the news that in 2012, their Social Security benefits will rise for the first time in three years.
And a woeful trio of years it’s been.
Beginning in 2008, many Americans lost as much as 40% of their retirement funds in the stock market rout. Home values plummeted and have yet to rebound. Energy costs – particularly gasoline, cut deeper than ever into disposable income. Rising out-of-pocket medical costs remain unrestrained. And inflation, although mild, shaved even more spending power from those 65 and older.
So no wonder Aunt Bizarro and her blind-faith minions are throwing a party.
The 2012 benefits increase “underscores the importance of Social Security as the only guaranteed, lifelong and inflation-adjusted source of retirement income for most Americans,” cheers Nancy LeaMond, an executive vice president with AARP, the vast propaganda bureau that masquerades as a friend to those 50 and over.
…For millions of American seniors already suffering in this economy and facing years of rising costs, shrinking returns on their savings and no cost-of-living increases, today’s…announcement lets them know there’s some relief around the corner,”
-chimes in Max Richtman, the ebullient president and CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
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