Only 200 insurance agents and financial advisors in the country have met the rigorous requirements needed to be a Bank On Yourself Professional. Admission standards are high and only one out of approximately 20 applicants is even accepted into the program.
If an advisor doesn’t have specialized training in how to properly structure your policy, or uses the wrong company or product, your policy could grow much more slowly, you could lose the tax advantages, or both.

Requests from people all over the country for a referral to an advisor who has demonstrated their mastery of this concept led to the creation of the Bank On Yourself Professional Program.
When you request a free Bank On Yourself Analysis, you’ll receive a referral to one of the Professionals we have hand-picked for you because of their experience working with people in similar situations to yours.
Although these advisors have already been through a thorough screening process, we encourage you to speak with the advisor selected for you and review their background so that you can feel confident and comfortable moving forward with them.
Is there a list of Bank On Yourself Professionals?
That’s a question we get from time to time, and we have asked the Professionals if they would be willing to be listed in a public directory, so that people could contact them, interview them and so on.
They have declined to do that because they prefer to focus all of their time and efforts on designing the most effective strategies for their clients and working with clients on a continuous basis to ensure they reach as many of their short-term and long-term goals and dreams as possible.
This also leaves them time to take the continuing education classes that keep them on the leading edge of this very specialized field.
How to get a referral to a Bank On Yourself Professional…
To get a referral to one of these 200 elite advisors, simply request a free, no-obligation Analysis, and we’ll connect you with the one we believe is the best match for you.
Bank On Yourself is looking for a few good men and women!
If you have at least one year of full-time experience in life insurance and/or financial services, we invite you to apply to be accepted into the Professional training program.
Why use a Bank On Yourself Authorized Financial Advisor?
Learn more about the rigorous training requirements the Bank On Yourself Professionals must meet.