Have you been disappointed by your 401(k), IRA or other retirement plan? Conventional wisdom tells us these plans are the best way to save and invest for retirement. Yet following this advice has resulted in financial insecurity for most Americans.
Because of this, most baby boomers have been forced to postpone retirement an average of five years.1
I’m often asked how using the Bank On Yourself method to save for retirement compares to traditional plans, so I put together this short video that reveals seven reasons Bank On Yourself makes an excellent retirement plan alternative.
Click the play button in the video below and see how many of these seven advantages you’d like to have in your financial plan…

The Ultimate Wealth-Building and Retirement Strategy… Whether the Market Goes Up, Down or Sideways
Would you like to find out how big your nest-egg could grow – guaranteed – if you added Bank On Yourself to your financial plan? No two plans are alike – yours would be custom-tailored to your unique situation, goals and dreams. To find out what your bottom-line numbers would be, request a FREE, no-obligation Analysis today.
If you’re wondering where you’ll find the money to fund your plan, keep in mind the Bank On Yourself Professionals are masters at helping people restructure their finances to free up money to fund a plan. Here are the eight most common places they look.
When you request your FREE Analysis, you’ll get a referral to one of only 200 advisors who have met the rigorous training and requirements to be a Bank On Yourself Professional. They’ll show you why Bank On Yourself is the ultimate wealth-building and retirement strategy… whether the market goes up, down or sideways.