Bill Clinton was President, the world awaited the potentially disastrous consequences of the Y2K computer bug, and – oh, yeah – the Dow closed above 11,000 for the first time in history.

The date was May 3rd, 1999, and to quote Yogi Berra, nearly eleven years later,
This is like deja vu all over again”

The Wall Street spin-makers are pointing out what a “big accomplishment it is for a measure that was below 7,000 only a year ago” to recapture the 11,000 level.
Before we pop the cork on a bottle of champagne, here’s a few sobering questions to ask yourself…
Q: How much has inflation reduced the purchasing power of your dollars over the past 11 years?
Q: How much will your retirement or investment account be worth 11 years from now?
Q: How will you feel if the markets stall for another 11 years? (Fact: Historically, it’s the norm, not the exception, for the Dow to end up going nowhere for very lengthy periods of time.)
Q: How would your plans for retirement be affected if we experience market crashes this decade as deep and as devastating as the two we suffered during the last decade?
Q: Does your financial plan rely more on hope and luck than on guaranteed, predictable growth?
Ready to have a financial plan you can predict and count on? Request a free Analysis that will show you how much money you could count on having in retirement.
After researching over 450 savings and investing products and strategies, I ultimately concluded that Americans have been brainwashed into believing we must risk our money in order to grow it.
Do you know the difference between “saving” and “investing”?
Part of the problem is that Wall Street and the financial planning industry have led us to believe that “saving” and “investing” are the same things. However, they are not.
The money you have in savings is money you don’t want (or can’t afford) to lose. The money you invest is subject to loss.
Most people today “invest to save,” and as a result, have no idea what their nest egg will be worth when they hope or plan to tap into it.
This is not a financial “plan,” which the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as “a means of accomplishing something.”
It’s gambling. And it has led to a nation of people wondering if they’ll ever be able to retire, and what they’ll have to give up in order to do that.
Bank On Yourself is based on an asset class that has increased in value during every stock market decline and every period of economic boom and bust for more than a century
That asset is dividend-paying whole life insurance, but with some little-known options added to the policy which turbo-charge the growth of your equity (“cash value”) in the policy.
These policies grow by a guaranteed and pre-set amount every year. In addition, the growth is exponential, meaning it gets better (more efficient) every single year you have the policy, simply because you stick with it.
And, no luck, skill, or guesswork is required to make that happen.
Once credited to your policy, both your guaranteed annual increase, plus any dividends you may receive, are locked in. They don’t vanish due to a market correction.
These policies give you peace of mind for retirement planning, because you’ll know the minimum guaranteed income you can take in retirement, and for how long you can take it.
And if someone asks you if you know how much your plan will be worth in 10 years, 20 years, or whenever you hoped to tap into it, you can (finally) say “yes”!

As April 15th looms, and most people agree taxes are only likely to increase over time, keep in mind that it’s possible to take retirement income from these policies with little or no tax consequences, under current tax law.

If you’ve already added Bank On Yourself to your financial plan, congratulations! You can laugh when Wall Street crows about hitting a level we first crossed nearly 11 years ago.
And if you haven’t started to Bank On Yourself, take the first step now towards taking back control of your money and finances by requesting your free, no-obligation Analysis that will show you how Bank On Yourself could
help you reach your long-term and short-term goals and dreams.
If you haven’t already started to Bank On Yourself, please take the first step today and take back control of your financial future!
Right on the money Pam!. The only thing I would change is that everyone in America who can should create their own business. You pick… selling cookies on ebay, having a golf shop, real estate what ever you really enjoy doing. Also, pick your number for retirement. That should be the starting point. If you want to retire in Mississippi and fish all of the time your number would be different than living in San Diego, CA, and traveling the world.
Finally what no financial planner talks about is your second biggest expense and that is your grocery bill.
Keep Rockin
Are there any age restricions ondoingf this? if so, what are they?
People up into their 70’s start these plans. Age and health do not have to be barriers, because you can have someone else be the insured if necessary.
Hi, About 25-30 yrs. ago I heard about a plan very similar to this but the name escapes me ( I keep thinking Williams something or other ). If you know of that
plan can you tell me what happened to them and what makes yours different?
All I can remember is it was life insureance with a savings account. Sorry to be
so vague but your Déjà vu kicked in.
You’re thinking of A.L. Williams and their program was the opposite of Bank On Yourself.
What is your relation to Bank on Yourself?
You speak as if you are the founder and yet your bio states that you stumbled across this program. I’m confused.
“Bank On Yourself” is my trademarked term for a concept/product that has been around for over a century. I didn’t invent it – just helped systematize and simplify it.
One of my mentors, Nelson Nash, has researched the concept at length, as have a few others before him.
With our current Adminstration sticking their money hungry, greedy noses into just about every industry…What is the outlook of the Whole Life Insurance?
No one can predict the future, but there will be a revolution if the government tries a take over of life insurance.
At the risk of being called a kook or getting a target on my back, when are we going to get rid of the “fed”? Why does our country pay all that interest to a private bank for the “privilege” of borrowing money we don’t legally need to be borrowing? The Constitution says that only the congress can issue the money and set the value thereof. I know that this plan will work because there are several other plans with similar methods of borrowing. The Federal government allows people to borrow from their “Thrift Savings Plan”, people already borrow from the “full life” insurance plans.
All this sounds solid to me.
I think the lack of knowledge and media attention on this strategy will keep the gov’t from taking it over. I think there is a greater chance of the gov’t reneging on taxing roth iras simply because more people are using them than whole life insurance.
If I request your free analysis will I be bombared with telephone calls or lots of mailed advertisments. Or will you allow me to contact you if I so chose.
Any Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisor we refer you to provide an Analysis will need to speak with you to obtain the information needed to prepare a custom-tailored Analysis for you. But they are not pushy, do not bombard you with phone calls, and your contact information is NEVER sold, shared, traded, or otherwise abused. We respect your privacy.
You can request a free Analysis here.