Have you been hearing radio and other ads for something called Wealth Beyond Wall Street offering a free book if you call a toll-free number?
The promise sounds enticing: Use an index strategy to share in the upside of the stock market with no downside risk. You may also hear that this is the same strategy used by Walt Disney and JC Penney. If you’re wondering what it’s all about, I’m going to spill the beans in this review, including the ACTUAL strategy Walt Disney and JC Penney used…

Wealth Beyond Wall Street is the brain child of marketer Brett Kitchen, and Ethan Kap, a financial advisor. They typically appear together in pictures dressed in black suits and black sunglasses, standing next to a classic Mustang. (Reminds me of the Blues Brothers every time I see it.)

Wealth Beyond Wall Street book by Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap
Before Wealth Beyond Wall Street, they called it Safe Money Millionaire and the 101 Plan.
When you call their toll-free number to take advantage of their free book offer, you’ll also be offered a free consultation or “blueprint” from one of their advisors. [Read more…] “Wealth Beyond Wall Street: Retirement Planning Solution or Scam?”