Ignore All The Financial Experts Who Advise You to Scale Back Your Expectations and Lifestyle
The chorus of gloomy financial experts is singing a ballad of restraint. They warn that we all must adjust ourselves to a “new normal,” in which we lower our expectations and scale back our lifestyles.
The supposed villains are many and include: persistent high unemployment; the devastated real estate market; rising energy and food prices; record budget deficits; the possibility of a double-dip recession; international turmoil; and, well… you name it.
You have no choice, caution the pessimistic gurus, but to swallow:
- Earning less on your investments and savings for the foreseeable future
- Downgrading your current lifestyle to make up for the loss of investment returns
- Having less income at your disposal due to rising prices and the threat of inflation
- Getting socked with higher tax rates as the U.S. Government struggles to close its budget gap, and cash-strapped states and cities do likewise
- Pushing your retirement out – perhaps indefinitely
- Living on less if you do eventually get to retire (that is not only less than you live on now – which these downbeat advisors have always claimed is a retirement must – but less even than “the less” they were already advising you get by on just a few years ago)

- Sticking with the financial counselors who have been at your side all along because they remain your best source for guiding your future financial planning
To all of these bitter pills, we can only respond… B.S.
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