Turn Off the News and Ignore the Economic Naysayers: You Are Not a Statistic

The numbers alone can be overwhelming.

Everyday, we are bombarded by news reports – and those who parrot them – reminding us of how dire our economic circumstances are.

Daily Reminders

Consider how demoralizing it is to be constantly reminded that your chances of finding employment – or holding onto the job you still have – dwindles if you have outdated skills, live in certain regions of the country, belong to specific ethnic groups, or have passed your 40s?

Look at the high percentage of fellow citizens who are out of work, or awash in credit card debt, or underwater on their home mortgage, or reliant on food stamps, or lacking adequate health insurance, or holding too little savings (especially if they lose their jobs or face a crisis), or likely will have to live as paupers in retirement.

If you fall into some or any of these categories, why even bother to get up in the morning?  After all, your fate is not your own. You are but a leaf on a raging river, being carried along by forces too strong to resist.

Although millions of Americans, sadly, do subscribe to such can’t-do thinking – and no doubt money misery does enjoy plenty of company – these “helpless” victims of the economy are absolutely wrong.

They are not a statistic and should never think of themselves as such

They are individuals, blessed with free will and living in a country where opportunity remains one of our most abundant natural resources.

Proud Americans
We can heal what ails our country’s economy – beginning one citizen at a time

Personal creativity, willpower, persistence and a commitment to do whatever it takes to succeed are far more reliable social safety nets than unemployment insurance, supplemental nutrition assistance (food stamps), Medicaid or Social Security.  Moreover, they are all well within our absolute individual control.

If you (or a family member, friend or neighbor) are out of work, your unemployment rate is 100%.  If you find a job, or create one for yourself, your unemployment rate drops to zero.

It really doesn’t matter what percent of the population was in the same boat with you when you determined to place your fate squarely in your own hands.

What matters is your commitment and diligent efforts to get out of the boat on your own and serve as a shining example of how others can follow your lead.

We can heal what ails our country’s economy – beginning one citizen at a time.

Getting to Know Pamela Yellen, President of Bank On Yourself

In this candid conversation, Pamela Yellen really lets her hair down and reveals things about herself she’s never talked about before.

What kind of driver is Pamela?
What kind of driver is Pamela?
What kind of driver is Pamela?
What kind of driver is Pamela?

In this interview, you’ll learn…

  • Pamela’s early investing mistakes
  • How she first learned about the Bank On Yourself method of wealth building
  • How Walt Disney, J.C. Penney and other influential people have used this method
  • Why Banks use this to meet their Tier One (safe and liquid) Capital reserves requirement
  • Why Bank On Yourself Professionals earn much lower commissions than other forms of life insurance sales
  • Why this concept is not included on insurance licensing exams

    Pamela & her husband Larry
    Pamela & her husband Larry
  • Bank On Yourself “Inc.” doesn’t sell insurance or charge consumers anything…so how does it make money?
  • Introducing the Bank On Yourself Nation…soon to be the center of the universe when it comes to financial literacy education and learning to be self-reliant

So checkout this fast-paced interview now by pressing the play button below, or you can download the interview as an Mp3 and listen on your own player or iPod…

And if you still have any unanswered questions about Bank On Yourself or Pamela Yellen, please tell us in the comments box below…

Grow your money safely and predictability even when the markets crash…

Wondering how the Bank On Yourself method can help you reach your financial goals and dreams in the shortest time possible… without the stomach-churning ups and downs of traditional investments?

Request a free, no-obligation Analysis now to find out. When you request your Analysis you’ll also get a referral to one of only 200 financial advisors in the country who have met all the rigorous requirements and training needed to be a Bank On Yourself Professional.

Introducing the Bank On Yourself Nation

What started in 2002 as a quest to educate Americans and help them achieve financial security and peace of mind using the Bank On Yourself method came to uncover an all-American treasure more exquisite than I ever imagined.

Pamela Yellen

The revelation was gradual.

Pamela Yellen

At first, my concentration was tightly focused on helping people reach their savings and retirement planning goals and objectives using a seldom-trumpeted, but proven variety of whole life insurance.  After laborious and extensive research, a system was created that would permit almost anyone – rich and poor, young and old – to wean themselves from dependence on banks, credit cards, auto leases, mortgage companies and the risks and volatility of the stock and real estate markets and traditional retirement plans.

People could sleep well at night knowing that their savings were growing – safely and predictably – even when the markets tumbled.

Soon, the American public began to come around to my way of thinking – or at least that’s what I believed at the time.  People from all walks of life made initial inquiries, read up on Bank On Yourself materials, met with the specially trained advisors and then made the choice to bank on themselves.

Clients became our most potent marketing tool, as they began sharing the Bank On Yourself concept with their family, friends, neighbors and colleagues, as well as increasing their own commitment to this proven savings and money management philosophy.

I’ll admit I was pretty pleased with myself…

To be honest, I was pretty self-satisfied both by the consistent growth in the number of folks who were using the concept, and by what we professed to be our innovation.  There was no question that our Bank On Yourself precepts were changing how people viewed investing and financial planning.

Little did we know…

[Read more…] “Introducing the Bank On Yourself Nation”