Before you put another penny in a 401(k), find out what the government and your employer aren’t telling you that will scare the living daylights out of you! Here are seven frightening facts you should know about 401(k)s…
Frightening 401(k) Fact #1:
Your employer can – and probably is – making risky decisions on how to invest your money for you – without your knowledge or approval.

Watch Pamela Yellen being interviewed about the problems with 401(k)s on the #1 TV station in Los Angeles

Many employers are now automatically directing more of your pay into your 401(k)… and automatically moving it into more risky investments – even if you had previously chosen your own investments!
And most of that money is being re-directed into “target-date” funds, which lost so much money during the last market crash, it sparked scrutiny from lawmakers and regulators. Many funds for people who pinned their hopes on retiring in one year had losses far exceeding 20%, and some funds suffered losses of 32 to 41 percent, according to Morningstar.
Shockingly, stock allocations among those funds were found to be 26%-72% of assets!
Not to mention that the fees charged by target-date funds are “significantly higher than those charged by other funds on plans’ investment menus”.
(Source: “Companies take reins of workers’ 401k’s”,, October 10, 2009)
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Frightening 401(k) Fact #2:
Get instant access to the FREE 18-page Special Report, The Ultimate Wealth-Building and Retirement Strategy, plus timely briefings and solutions to critical news and events that may impact your money and finances.
The important decisions about your 401(k) are made by someone with no training or education in most companies.
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