Category: Retirement Plan Alternative

What Nelson Nash and Infinite Banking Got Right

UPDATED November, 2019

My introduction to the late Nelson Nash and the Infinite Banking Concept® was a major turning point in my life.

Up until then, I was a business-building consultant to financial advisors. The advisors I coached were always bringing financial products and strategies to my attention, and over the last 25 years, I’ve investigated more than 450 of them.

Unfortunately, most turned out not to be worth the paper they were printed on.

Finally, one financial advisor asked me if I had ever heard of Nelson Nash, and the book he wrote, Becoming Your Own Banker: The Infinite Banking Concept.

I had not, but it sounded very intriguing, so I called and talked to Nelson and ordered a copy of his book. [Read more…] “What Nelson Nash and Infinite Banking Got Right”

Who’s the Bozo Administering Your Retirement Plan?

When you have a plumbing issue, you call in a qualified plumber, right? When you need a medical procedure, don’t you want a qualified doctor? When you go to get your car fixed, aren’t you going to hand it over to a qualified mechanic?

So why would you turn your retirement plan over to an unqualified administrator?

Wait! You didn’t know that you’ve placed your hard earned retirement money in the hands of someone who very likely doesn’t know what they’re doing? It’s one of the common retirement planning traps I’ve been covering in this blog.

According to SmartMoney magazine, 90% of the country’s 401(k) plans are watched over by people who “need no special qualifications and no investing expertise or experience.” [Read more…] “Who’s the Bozo Administering Your Retirement Plan?”

How Hidden Fees Are Sabotaging Your Retirement Plan

In my first blog about costly retirement planning traps, I explained how conventional retirement plans put you in jeopardy of losing money you absolutely cannot afford to lose. Just because all the other lemmings choose to dive over the cliff, doesn’t mean you have to!

Now let’s look at the gremlins of conventional retirement plans that are decimating the nest egg you’re trying to build: FEES.

Do you even know how much you’re paying in fees each year for your retirement account? If you’re like most Americans, you don’t have a clue. The Employee Benefit Research Institute found that only half of 401(k) plan participants even noticed the fee information stuffed in the 14-page disclosure (that requires a magnifying glass to read and 3 years of law school to understand).

And almost no one makes any changes to their plan if they do read the fee disclosures.

Most folks just don’t think fees are all that important. Or, they think they’re unavoidable – sort of like death and taxes.

Wrong on both counts!

[Read more…] “How Hidden Fees Are Sabotaging Your Retirement Plan”

Retirement Planning that Helps You Sleep at Night

Let me be blunt. If you’re like the vast majority of Americans, your retirement plan is about as good as the survival plan of that last lemming heading over the cliff!

For most of us, our “retirement planning” has been manipulated by our employers, Wall Street, and celebrity talking heads – all of whom have their own agendas that don’t seem to prioritize our financial security and well-being. And the vast majority of personal financial advisors have chosen to stick with conventional strategies without even questioning the less-than-stellar results they’ve given us over the years.

Risk, a four-letter word?When a “plan” proves that it isn’t getting the results it’s supposed to produce, doesn’t it make sense to come up with a different plan? (The answer is “Yes!”)

Over the next several blog posts, I’ll illustrate specifically how and why your conventional retirement plan is failing you and changes you can make that will let you build a retirement savings fund that is safe and secure – guaranteed.

Let’s start with the problems of conventional retirement plans. I know of at least six major pitfalls and traps and I’ll cover each one in detail. The first painful trap is RISK. [Read more…] “Retirement Planning that Helps You Sleep at Night”

Why you need Dow 35,000 today

I have an important question to ask you…

When do you think the Dow will hit 35,000?”

Does that seem like a crazy or dumb question? After all, the Dow closed 2015 at only 17,425. It would have to more than double to get to 35,000. But it’s not a dumb question. I’ll explain why in a moment.

For the last five years, we’ve been tracking the Dow Jones Industrial Average and what that number means to you in your real life.

Sure, the Dow has gone up and down, and it’s gone up more than it’s gone down. But is it up enough to actually give you a return that justifies after all the sleepless nights and stomach-churning highs and lows?

Then there’s inflation. Has the market, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrials, even kept up with inflation? [Read more…] “Why you need Dow 35,000 today”

Wealth Beyond Wall Street: Retirement Planning Solution or Scam?

Have you been hearing radio and other ads for something called Wealth Beyond Wall Street offering a free book if you call a toll-free number?

The promise sounds enticing: Use an index strategy to share in the upside of the stock market with no downside risk. You may also hear that this is the same strategy used by Walt Disney and JC Penney.  If you’re wondering what it’s all about, I’m going to spill the beans in this review, including the ACTUAL strategy Walt Disney and JC Penney used…

Wealth Beyond Wall Street book cover
Wealth Beyond Wall Street book by Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap

Wealth Beyond Wall Street is the brain child of marketer Brett Kitchen, and Ethan Kap, a financial advisor. They typically appear together in pictures dressed in black suits and black sunglasses, standing next to a classic Mustang. (Reminds me of the Blues Brothers every time I see it.)

Wealth Beyond Wall Street book cover

Wealth Beyond Wall Street book by Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap

Before Wealth Beyond Wall Street, they called it Safe Money Millionaire and the 101 Plan.

When you call their toll-free number to take advantage of their free book offer, you’ll also be offered a free consultation or “blueprint” from one of their advisors. [Read more…] “Wealth Beyond Wall Street: Retirement Planning Solution or Scam?”

Has the Risk You’ve Taken in the Stock Market Since 2000 Been Worth It?

Take a quick guess – what do you think the average annual return of the S&P 500 Index has been since the start of the century almost 16 years ago?

Especially in light of the recent bull market, one of the biggest in history.

So what percent do you think the index has grown on average each year? Maybe 4%? 8%? 12%?

C’mon – humor me and take your best guess…

Okay… so over the last nearly 16 years, since January 1, 2000, the S&P 500 (which represents the broad market) has had an annual growth rate of only 1.96% per year. (Note: We are referring to the Compound Annual Growth Rate or “CAGR”.) [Read more…] “Has the Risk You’ve Taken in the Stock Market Since 2000 Been Worth It?”

President Reagan’s Secret 702(j) Retirement Plan – What it Is and How it Works

President Reagan’s Secret 702(j) Retirement Plan is yet one more name that the Palm Beach Group has given to the Bank On Yourself method, which relies on a super-charged variation of an asset that’s never had a losing year in it’s 160+ year history.

Here’s a spoiler alert: The 702 J Retirement Plan is not an investment and not technically a retirement plan. It’s a specialized type of high cash value dividend-paying whole life insurance that enjoys tax advantages spelled out in IRS Section 7702 of the US tax code.

It’s a wonderful retirement plan alternative that has none of the volatility and unpredictability of traditional investing strategies.

So why didn’t The Palm Beach Group call it a “7702 J plan” instead of a “702 J plan”?

[Read more…] “President Reagan’s Secret 702(j) Retirement Plan – What it Is and How it Works”

6 Costly Retirement Plan Traps and How to Avoid Them

If you’re like most people I talk to, you’re making several critical mistakes with your retirement accounts.

These mistakes could cost you literally hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime.

But what’s worse is how these retirement plan traps can cost you your family’s well-being, and mean the difference between having to struggle to get by during what should be your golden years … and being able to enjoy life’s luxuries.

With all the economic uncertainties and worldwide turmoil that have been churning the markets, it is vitally important that you know how to avoid these costly retirement plan pitfalls today.

That’s why I’m urging you to join me and our Director of Education, Lee McIntyre, for this special online event. You’ll discover which retirement plan mistakes you are making and how to avoid them.

Space on this online event is limited, and there is no cost to attend.

Here’s What You’ll Discover During This Online Event…

[Read more…] “6 Costly Retirement Plan Traps and How to Avoid Them”