Search results for: 401(k)

401K Withdrawal Rules

…these four kinds of 401K withdrawals: 1. 401K Hardship Withdrawal Rules More on 401(K)s Why the “Father” of the 401(k) Now Favors Bank On Yourself Instead Why 401(k) Proponents Now…

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Comparing 401Ks to Bank On Yourself

…for retirement. However, they come with numerous drawbacks, 401K withdrawal rules and restrictions which are spelled out below. We’ll also look at how 401Ks compare with using Bank On Yourself…

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7 Really Scary Facts about Your 401(k)

…over the long haul”. Frightening 401(k) Fact #3: Most 401(k) participants vastly underestimate the impact of plan fees. They “can eat up half the income in some 401(k) plans over…

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Six Reasons Your 401(k) is a Scam

…conventional financial wisdom, I’m used to that, so here goes… 401(k)s are a scam. Want proof? Here Are Six Reasons Why 401(k)s Are a Scam… Reason #1: The 401(k) Tax-Deferral…

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Bank On Yourself in the Media – 2010

…on Yourself/401(k) Discussion on Good Day New Mexico See Pamela Yellen on Good Day New Mexico discussing 401(k)s and why you do not have to risk your money to grow…

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A 401(k) Plan Loan vs a Life Insurance Loan: Is One Safer Than the Other?

…your life insurance policy with a policy loan. Which is better: 401(k) loans or life insurance loans? You’ll find conflicting advice. Some experts say 401(k) loans should be your first…

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Five 401(k) Alternative Investments Options for Retirement

…deal with all this? Are there good alternatives to 401(k)s?” Let’s take a look at the drawbacks to 401(k)s and good alternatives to them. The 401(k) drawbacks include: Unpredictable market…

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Why a 401(k) Loan isn’t Nearly as Safe as a Life Insurance Loan

Why should you be extremely wary if you’re considering getting cash by tapping your 401(k) plan? Typically, 401(k) loans mire you in red tape, with “gotcha” fine print and some…

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